Journal Club: Global calculation of two-neutrino double-β decay within the finite amplitude method in nuclear density functional theory
Global calculation of two-neutrino double-β decay within the finite amplitude method in nuclear density functional theory
Two-neutrino double-beta(2νββ)decay has been used to constrain the neutron-proton part of effective interactions, which in turn is used to compute the nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double-beta decay, the observation of which would have important consequences for fundamental physics. We carefully examine 2νββ matrix elements within the proton-neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation with nuclear energy density functionals. We work with functionals that are fit globally to single-beta-decay half-lives and charge-exchange giant-resonance energies, but not to 2νββ half-lives themselves, to evaluate the 2νββ nuclear matrix elements for all important nuclei, including those whose half-lives have not yet been measured. Such a comprehensive evaluation in large model spaces without configuration truncation requires an efficient computational scheme; we employ a double contour integration within the finite amplitude method. The results generally reproduce the nuclear matrix element extracted from half-lives well, without the use of any of those half-lives in the fitting procedure. We present predictions of the matrix elements in a total of 27 nuclei with half-lives that are still unmeasured.