Journal Club: Shape Changes in the Mirror Nuclei 70Kr and 70Se
Shape Changes in the Mirror Nuclei 70Kr and 70Se
We studied the proton-rich Tz=−1 nucleus 70Kr through inelastic scattering at intermediate energies in order to extract the reduced transition probability, B(E2;0+→2+). Comparison with the other members of the A=70 isospin triplet, 70Br and 70Se, studied in the same experiment, shows 3σ deviation from the expected linearity of the electromagnetic matrix elements as a function of Tz. At present, no established nuclear structure theory can describe this observed deviation quantitatively. This is the first violation of isospin symmetry at this level observed in the transition matrix elements. A heuristic approach may explain the anomaly by a shape change between the mirror nuclei 70Kr and 70Se contrary to the model predictions.